News Archive

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ARTICLE — 27 mars 2023

Europe risks stifling innovation with the revised Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)

The Council of Ministers reached a general approach on the revised Industrial Emissions Directive the 16th of March.
ARTICLE — 22 mars 2023

New report: The IRA could make the US a clean energy superpower

The US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) can lead to a sharp fall in the cost of producing clean energy products in the US. This will create new opportunities for EU businesses, but competition will be distorted due to protectionist elements in the IRA.
ARTICLE — 20 mars 2023

Wallenberg: Improve EU competitiveness

At its meeting on 23-24 March, the European Council will deal with the issue of European competitiveness. The chairman of the Swedish Confederation of Business, Jacob Wallenberg, writes about the reforms required to reverse Europe’s long-term economic development.
ARTICLE — 14 mars 2023

When perfect becomes the enemy of good

A large legal experiment is about to be launched in the EU, one which will directly and indirectly affect most European businesses. Although international guidelines have been around for many years, this is by far the most far-reaching binding due diligence rules to date.
ARTICLE — 8 mars 2023

High level seminar on competitiveness – together with the Swedish Presidency of the EU

The 7th of March the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise hosted a seminar together with the Swedish EU Presidency. Long term competitiveness with a focus on “a compass for competitiveness” was the topic of the seminar.
ARTICLE — 2 mars 2023

Proposed rules on corporate governance risk having negative effects on sustainable transition

The proposed Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive is approaching its final phase as the European Parliament is negotiating its position prior to the initiation of the trilogue with the Council and the Commission.
ARTICLE — 1 mars 2023

Scania warns: China will soon be free to steal our innovations: ”Devastating”

Europe’s entire industrial base could be eroded, and jobs lost, warns Scania boss Annika Ahling. A new proposal from the EU will mean that anyone will be able to copy design-protected parts without sanction. ”The manufacturing will now take place in China”, she tells TN.
ARTICLE — 1 mars 2023

Call for the European Parliament to govern the use of AI based on risk assessment

Proposed AI Act: the rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs appointed by the European Parliament are currently working hard to finalise a compromise text; one which will greatly influence the final legislative text. Several amendments to the draft AI Act are presently under discussion.
ARTICLE — 21 februari 2023

Preliminary response to the European Commission’s proposal for a regulation on packaging and packaging waste

Swedish Enterprise welcomes the EU Commission’s proposal for a new regulation on packaging and packaging waste. Future regulation should encourage the adoption of alternatives that contribute to the best overall climate and environmental benefits.
ARTICLE — 20 februari 2023

Differentiated voting rights – an important feature of Swedish law

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise strongly believes that dual class share structures with differentiated voting rights is an important and valuable feature of the Swedish stock market.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist