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ARTICLE — 13 december 2022

Europe’s future competitiveness is at stake

Europe needs a fresh start, an aggressive agenda for reform and increased competitiveness, writes Jan-Olof Jacke, CEO of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise along Anna Stellinger, head of International and EU affairs.
ARTICLE — 11 december 2022

Stellinger: “Concern and lack of clarity over US Inflation Reduction Act”

The US is taking major steps towards achieving its commitments under the Paris Agreement. It is therefore unfortunate that the law includes discriminatory elements. Free trade – not closed borders – is what is needed for the green transition to become a reality, means Swedish Enterprise.
ARTICLE — 29 november 2022

Concerns over where the AI Act may lead the EU’s competitiveness

The European Commission’s proposal for an AI Act has now been fully discussed by the Member States. Several improvements have been proposed, some of which have had a partial impact. Meanwhile, the European Parliament’s deliberations are still ongoing, and these have raised a number of concerns.
ARTICLE — 29 november 2022

Did the Commission propose an emergency instrument that may hamper the fundamental idea of the EU single market? 

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise was given the opportunity to comment on a consultation, launched by the Swedish government, on the European Commission’s proposal for a Single Market Emergency Instrument (SMEI). Here, we provide our overall comments
ARTICLE — 28 november 2022

Competitiveness topped the agenda as European business leaders gathered in Stockholm

Time for the EU to take the next step. As Sweden prepares to take on the presidency of the EU in January, the Director General of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Jan-Olof Jacke, says that Sweden has an opportunity to take on a greater role in the Union.
ARTICLE — 28 november 2022

Education adopted for the needs of the knowledge economy

The EU lags behind in the knowledge economy. At the same time, competitiveness is increasingly based on the access to, and use of, knowledge - and it has been this way for decades. Linked to this is that proper handling of knowledge-based assets is increasingly crucial.
ARTICLE — 28 november 2022

Our initial thoughts on the US Inflation Reduction Act

The US Inflation Reduction Act includes major subsidies, support and tax deductions for companies and private individuals. We are concerned that the law may distort competition, place EU companies at a disadvantage as a result of its ‘local content’ requirements and lead to a global subsidy race.
ARTICLE — 28 november 2022

Our priorities for the third TTC meeting in December 2022

In preparation for the third ministerial-level meeting of the Trade and Technology Council (TTC) in December, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise - together with our member organisations - has identified a number of priority areas for the Swedish business community.
ARTICLE — 18 november 2022

Today’s chips are hard to make from potatoes or EU policies

It’s time to question the Chip Act. Large scale industrial policy is bound to end up in the hands of powerful interest groups. Nothing has been more elusive than leadership in semiconductors, why should we think that the EU Commission is better at picking winners than the competitive market process?
ARTICLE — 26 oktober 2022

Five priorities for Sweden’s EU Presidency in 2023

From 1 January 2023, Sweden will hold the EU Presidency for the third time. This is an excellent opportunity for Sweden to show how we want the EU to develop. As well as saying what we don’t want, we need to be equally clear about what it is we actually do want from the EU.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist