News Archive

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ARTICLE — 10 januari 2022

Service sector in focus as Swedish government defines EU agenda

The Swedish government has identified a need for a greater focus on the service sector in EU policy making and has defined a sharper set of policy objectives to that end.
ARTICLE — 21 december 2021

Swedish Enterprise on the revision of the Ambient Air Quality Directives

As several air pollutants can travel long distances, which could affect nearby countries, Swedish Enterprises welcomes initiatives that harmonises additional monitoring and modelling of ambient air in the EU.
ARTICLE — 15 december 2021

Marie Trogstam new Head of Department for Sustainability and Infrastructure 

Marie Trogstam will be the new Head of Department for Sustainability and Infrastructure at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. She is currently Head of Sustainability at AFRY.
ARTICLE — 13 december 2021

Delays and price hikes hit imports

Almost three-quarters of importing Swedish companies are facing major problems with their supply chains, according to a survey by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. Steep price rises have now also emerged as a major new concern.
ARTICLE — 12 december 2021

Easier to trade services globally

The World Trade Organization has agreed to make it easier for service companies to trade with the rest of the world. ”It will be smoother, faster and less costly,” says Anna Stellinger, head of international and EU affairs.
ARTICLE — 6 december 2021

WTO Ministerial Conference postponed - a lost opportunity or an opportunity to reach the goal 

The WTO is the primary enabler of rules-based international trade. However, several parts of the organisation urgently need to be modernised if it is to remain relevant in the future.
ARTICLE — 1 december 2021

Prioritise competitiveness and regulatory improvement during Sweden’s EU presidency

On 1 January 2023, Sweden assumes the presidency of the EU. This will provide an important opportunity for Sweden to set the agenda for what the EU should focus on, as well as to decide which issues and topics should be addressed and prioritised during Sweden’s six month-presidency.
ARTICLE — 30 november 2021

Swedish Enterprise’s views on proposed changes to the General State Aid Block Exemption (GBER) to support green and digital transition

The proposed changes to the General Block Exemption, (Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014, abbreviation GBER), are wide-ranging and its significance is large. 
ARTICLE — 30 november 2021

Anti-coercion instrument – a difficult balancing act  

The European Commission will present a proposal for a so called “anti-coercion instrument”, a trade policy tool to be used against countries that in various ways threaten us. 
ARTICLE — 25 november 2021

EU industrial emissions directive risks hampering industry’s climate transition

A broadened EU directive regulating industrial emissions risks being a setback for industry. In its current form, the directive works well and creates environmental benefits. It is therefore important to safeguard the directive’s effectiveness as it is revised, writes Jenny Svärd who is responsible for environmental policy at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist