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ARTICLE — 30 november 2023

Corporate sustainability due diligence – it is high time to secure a framework that works in practice

We are approaching the end of the trilogue negotiations on the CS3D. Four political trilogues have already taken place during the Spanish Council Presidency, and although several parts still remain to be agreed, a final compromise may be reached before the end of the year.
ARTICLE — 28 november 2023

Legislators must stay focused on the purpose of the Listing Act

Business confederations call on the legislators to fight back against proposals that may hijack the EU Listing Act. The proposals risk limiting the access to capital for companies, not least SMEs, says Maria Larsson, senior legal advisor.
ARTICLE — 27 november 2023

EU proposals on payment terms: one size does not fit all

The European Commission’s proposals to limit payment periods between companies to a maximum of 30 days challenges the fundamental principles of the EU’s market economy.
ARTICLE — 15 november 2023

Legislators must stay focused on the purpose of the Listing Act – to strengthen the capital markets within the EU

The legislative procedure regarding the Listing Act and notably the proposal for a Directive on multiple-vote share structures in companies that seek the admission to trading of their shares on an SME growth market has reached its final stage.
ARTICLE — 13 november 2023

Trade policy must walk hand in hand with IP Policy

If EU is to stay competitive, it is necessary to make sure that policy of intellectual property is considered in all different aspects of trade policy, Christina Wainikka, expert, Knowledge-based assets, Anna Stellinger, Deputy Director General, International and EU Affairs, write.
ARTICLE — 7 november 2023

New business initiative forms to push for open and competitive markets in the EU

The initiative Europe Unlocked has now been launched - a coalition and campaign for more business-friendly priorities by the next EU Commission with a focus on competitiveness through open and competitive markets.
ARTICLE — 6 november 2023

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise’s comments on the European Commission’s Work Programme 2024

In October, the European Commission adopted its annual work programme setting out the list of the most important actions it will take in the year ahead.. Read our comments on the program from a business perspective below.
ARTICLE — 24 oktober 2023

The Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP)

STEP seeks to increase the amount of support available to environmental technology, research-intensive technology (deep tech), and biotechnology through a number of existing EU programmes. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is critical of the proposal for several reasons.
ARTICLE — 19 oktober 2023

The EU will grow and fundamentally change: “The question is not if, but when”

The EU needs to prepare to become significantly larger in the future. The issue of EU enlargement has jumped to the top of the agenda recently and will likely result in fundamental changes to the Union. “Debate about how the EU needs to be reshaped for the future is well underway”.
ARTICLE — 18 oktober 2023

No patent rights, no knowledge economy

The ability to obtain patents is vital to a well-functioning market economy. But changes that are now being planned at EU level risk undermining protections for innovations in sectors such as digital innovation.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist