ARTICLE28 November 2022

Our priorities for the third TTC meeting in December 2022

The European Union and the United States launched the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC) in June 2021. The TTC serves as a forum for the EU and the US to coordinate approaches on global trade, economic and technology issues as well as to reinforce transatlantic trade and economic relations. There are 10 working groups within the TTC, and there is a meeting at ministerial level every six months. 

Strengthening trade relations between the EU and the US remains a key priority for the Swedish business community. Both parties should leverage the TTC to facilitate trade, promote compatible standards and cooperate in setting international standards. They should also further deepen their cooperation on research, development, and innovation.

In preparation for the third ministerial level meeting of the TTC in December 2022, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, together with our member organisations - with a special contribution by the Association of Swedish Engineering Industries - has written a paper setting out the priority areas for the Swedish business community. The paper has been shared with policy makers in the EU. It is of utmost importance that the TTC enters an operational phase as quickly as possible, and starts to deliver on its ambitious agenda.

You can read more about our priorities in the document below.

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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist