News Archive

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ARTICLE — 18 oktober 2023

Net-Zero Industry Act – is the scope beginning to become clearer?

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is pleased that the work in the Council and European Parliament on reaching a final design for the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) is progressing.
ARTICLE — 5 oktober 2023

Global trade faces headwinds

Businesses need progress in the making of modern trade rules fit for the 21st century. The WTO Ministerial Conference, MC13, in February provides a venue in that sense. However, many obstacles remain to be cleared as global trade still faces headwinds.
ARTICLE — 27 september 2023

The Single Market Emergency Instrument is now in the trialogue negotiations

The original proposal for the Single Market Emergency Instrument (SMEI) was first presented by the European Commission in September 2022. Following long and intense discussions, the file has now entered the trialogue negotiations.
ARTICLE — 27 september 2023

To regulate or not regulate generative AI: Uphold the principles of best regulation

Have politicians missed how important general purpose AI systems will be to the EU’s AI success and competitiveness? That´s the question that needs to be answered, according to Carolina, Director, Digital policy.
ARTICLE — 26 september 2023

The EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement - A strategic, economic and sustainable win-win

It is time for the EU-Mercosur FTA to be approved. The benefits, on both sides of the Atlantic, could be substantial and could not only facilitate mutually advantageous trade and investment but also contribute to strategic gains and sustainable development.
ARTICLE — 15 september 2023

“¡Competitiveness, por favor!”

During its presidency of the EU, Sweden succeeded in putting competitiveness on the bloc’s agenda. As Spain now takes over the presidency, it is imperative that competitiveness remains central to policymaking, writes Anna Stellinger.
ARTICLE — 14 september 2023

Highs and lows in von der Leyen’s speech

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s State of the European Union speech was a mixed bag from a business perspective. “Several question marks remain over whether she can deliver policies that make the EU a centre for innovation and entrepreneurship,” says Anna Stellinger.
ARTICLE — 14 augusti 2023

Pilot study – Swedish companies’ compliance costs for handling VAT legislation

In the spring of 2023, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise conducted a study to estimate companies’ administrative costs related to Swedish VAT legislation. The calculated indicative administrative cost at the national level amounts to SEK 13.8 billion (Euro 1.2 billion) and affect roughly one million VAT registered companies.
ARTICLE — 17 juli 2023

An Industrial Emissions Directive fit for a green deal

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, together with its members, welcome the European Parliament’s approval of a balanced set of revisions to the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).
ARTICLE — 3 juli 2023

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise welcomes dialogue on shares with differentiated voting rights

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise welcomes the message from the proxy advisor ISS that ISS will not recommend against the discharge from liability of the directors in all Swedish companies having shares with differentiated voting rights.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist