Swedish Enterprise welcomes the European Commission’s proposal for a revision to the Waste Di-rective and sees this as a significant step towards increased resource efficiency in Europe. It also repre-sents an important part of the implementation of the Green Deal and the Circular Economy Action Plan. As a matter of principle, Swedish Enterprise believes that setting solutions and target levels at EU level is always preferable to specific national solutions, as this increases harmonisation and com-petition in the internal market on more equal terms. However, in the specific cases of both textile waste and food waste, the individual Member States will, to a certain extent, need to take measures and create national systems to be able to achieve the objectives of the Directive, including a producer responsibility system for textiles. Here, Swedish Enterprise wishes to stress the importance of the leg-islator in the Member States maintaining a close and continuous dialogue with the relevant sectors of society and industries, not least those companies that will largely be covered by the revisions to the Waste Directive.