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NYHET — 4 december 2024

The Clean Industrial Deal – high ambitions and broad measures requested

The European Commission, that just took office on December 1st, is currently working on the Clean Industrial Deal (CID). The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is now publishing a number of key messages that we believe are important to consider.
RAPPORT — 8 mars 2024

How can Sweden become more circular? Policy instruments and measures for increasing resource efficiency

SKRIVELSE — 20 november 2023

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise’s position on the European Commission’s proposal to revise the Waste Directive (2008/98/EC)

RAPPORT — 4 oktober 2023

The Business Sector's Role in Strengthening Biodiversity

With a greater understanding of biodiversity, there are more actions that can be taken. Together, the entire Swedish business sector can contribute to strengthening biodiversity. That’s what the new report The Business Sector’s Role in Strengthening Biodiversity is all about.
RAPPORT — 21 november 2022

Skapa goda marknadsförutsättningar för den cirkulära ekonomins framväxt

NYHET — 13 april 2022

New Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) risks counteracting the green transition and prolonging permit processes

The EU’s industrial emissions directive weakens companies’ ability to continue to switch to more sustainable production, writes Karin Nilsson, environmental policy expert.
NYHET — 21 december 2021

Swedish Enterprise on the revision of the Ambient Air Quality Directives

As several air pollutants can travel long distances, which could affect nearby countries, Swedish Enterprises welcomes initiatives that harmonises additional monitoring and modelling of ambient air in the EU.
NYHET — 7 oktober 2021

Swedish Enterprise on the technical screening criteria linked to environmental objectives 3–6

Swedish Enterprise urges the Commission to discuss the formulations of the objectives and the technical screening criteria with the wider business community before presenting its proposal. The link between the proposed criteria and how they will lead to achievement of prosed objectives is currently unclear in many aspects.
NYHET — 9 april 2021

Swedish Enterprise’s key messages on the Commission’s initiative on Substantiating Green Claims 

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise welcomes the Commission’s ambition to enable companies to substantiate environmental claims through harmonised and standardised methods. Yet, we want to highlight a few key messages that should be considered when going forward.
Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
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Tidningen Näringslivet
Tidningen Näringslivet är för dig som är intresserad av företagande, ekonomi, arbetsmarknad och näringspolitik.
Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
Postadress: 114 82 Stockholm
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Tidningen Näringslivet
Tidningen Näringslivet är för dig som är intresserad av företagande, ekonomi, arbetsmarknad och näringspolitik.
Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
Postadress: 114 82 Stockholm
Besöksadress: Storgatan 19
Telefon: 08-553 430 00

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Tidningen Näringslivet
Tidningen Näringslivet är för dig som är intresserad av företagande, ekonomi, arbetsmarknad och näringspolitik.
Ansvarig utgivare och chefredaktör Anna Dalqvist