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ARTICLE — 26 oktober 2022

Ensure the proper application of the Trade Secrets Directive in the Data Act

With the Data Act, the European Commission has proposed a comprehensive regulation to establish a horizontal framework for industrial, non-personal data sharing in the European Union. The regulation will bring a significant change to the business environment.
ARTICLE — 25 oktober 2022

The EU’s economic Resilience: Lesson Learned for the Digital Economy

A stronger and more competitive European economy was the focus of a panel discussion hosted by the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic (SPCR) on the 19th of October. Charlotte Andersdotter, head of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise’s EU office was one of the panellists.
ARTICLE — 18 oktober 2022

Supply chain instability worries businesses

More than seven out of ten importers are experiencing disruptions in their supply chains according to a new survey from the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.
ARTICLE — 14 oktober 2022

A big step towards simpler rules for data transfers to the United States

The conditions are now in place for a fresh decision to be taken on data transfers between the EU and the U.S. President Biden has signed an executive order to strengthen the protection of personal data in the U.S.
ARTICLE — 6 oktober 2022

The Aarhus Convention could paralyse State Aid processes 

When Europe is desperately trying to decouple itself from fossil fuel dependence, events are unfolding in the realm of State Aid that could pose a risk to rapid actions to put in place more sustainable alternatives.
ARTICLE — 28 september 2022

The Success of the Nordic Corporate Governance Model

The Nordic corporate governance model is proved successful and it ensures accountability and legal certainty while encouraging the long-term, active ownership of businesses. This is one of the reasons why the Nordic business community is critical of the European Commission’s proposal for CSDD.
ARTICLE — 26 september 2022

Busy times to draft formulate the AI Act 

Work on the proposed AI Act will continue in the autumn in the European Council and Parliament. A large number of amendments are on the table. It is now time to draft formulate an applicable regulation that fulfils the purpose of the proposed act.
ARTICLE — 26 september 2022

Protection of trade secrets must be enshrined in the Data Act

Proposals for a new data act should, as far as possible, allow businesses to share data based on trust and freedom of contract. Rules on mandatory data sharing must not contradict union laws that protect other interests, especially the protection of privacy, security and trade secrets.
ARTICLE — 26 september 2022

An overly far-reaching instrument 

The proposal for a Single Market Emergency Instrument (SMEI), which was launched on 19 September, demonstrates that the European Commission has not paid sufficient attention to the concerns expressed by the business organisations when responding to the consultations this spring.
ARTICLE — 22 september 2022

The EU and New Zealand enter into a trade agreement

An ambitious free trade agreement has been concluded between the EU and New Zealand, and bilateral trade is expected to grow by around 30 percent. ”This agreement will make it easier for the companies in both countries,” write trade experts at the Confederation for Swedish Enterprise.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist