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ARTICLE — 21 september 2022

EU need to put competitiveness high up on the agenda

”It is worrying that today there is no overall strategy for strengthening competitiveness at EU level, therefore we need to put competitiveness high up on the agenda”, writes The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic in a joint statement.
ARTICLE — 21 september 2022

Von der Leyen’s state of the Union speech overlooked the importance of free trade

Anna Stellinger, Deputy Director General International and EU Affairs at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, notes a worrying trend towards increased state intervention and state aid instead of free trade in Ursula von der Leyen’s state of the Union speech.
ARTICLE — 7 juli 2022

The European Innovation Agenda is too much old wine in new bottles

The European Commission has released its European Innovation Agenda. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise emphasize the fundamental importance of businesses and a bottom-up market approach in building the European prosperity and sustainable development through innovation.
ARTICLE — 5 juli 2022

Tom Erixon: “Business must be better at making their voice heard in the EU”

“The EU is of vital importance to Sweden. That’s why Swedish business must be even more active in our efforts to influence the EU and with our presence in Brussels,” said Alfa Laval CEO Tom Erixon in introductory remarks he made at a meeting in Strasbourg earlier this spring.
ARTICLE — 4 juli 2022

Three suggestions for the EU Chips Act

Many parts of the Chips Act are questionable from the point of view of business and from a level playing field perspective. In a position paper, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise present three suggestions for improvement.
ARTICLE — 29 juni 2022

The WTO is showing signs of life

Last week, the trade ministers of WTO’s 164 Member States gathered for the postponed biennial ministerial conference. Expectations of concrete results ahead of the conference were lukewarm, but now is seems fair to say that the multilateral trading system is showing signs of life once again.
ARTICLE — 27 juni 2022

A Geographical Indication protection for craft and industrial products will undermine both trade and European competitiveness 

It is clear that there will be an impact on competition within the EU. This is not just a problem for the single market; it will also have an impact on international trade. 
ARTICLE — 23 juni 2022

Position on the Ecodesign requirements for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) 

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise welcomes the proposed Regulation and sees this as an important step towards a more circular economy in Europe and an enabler to reach climate and other sustainability goals.
ARTICLE — 21 juni 2022

New EU ban could outlaw thousands of Swedish products

The EU is set to ban thousands of chemicals used in industrial applications. In Sweden, the chemical sector estimates that the move will cause SEK 38 billion in lost sales and 7,000 job losses. “We’re losing competitiveness,” says Kristina Neimert Carne at Ikem.
ARTICLE — 20 juni 2022

New vertical competition rules

Parts of the EU competition rules has been revised, a move the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise welcomes. “All clarifications are indeed welcome,” says Stefan Sagebro, competition and state aid expert.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist