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NYHET — 4 december 2024

The Clean Industrial Deal – high ambitions and broad measures requested

The European Commission, that just took office on December 1st, is currently working on the Clean Industrial Deal (CID). The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is now publishing a number of key messages that we believe are important to consider.
NYHET — 21 november 2024

Nordic businesses’ expectations for the COP29 negotiations

Nordic businesses supports the Paris Accord and the EU 2030 climate targets. While we support Europe’s climate change leadership, climate change is a global challenge, and global cooperation is vital to solve it.
NYHET — 15 mars 2024

EU’s greenwashing legislation creates more problems than it solves

The European Parliament’s proposals to combat greenwashing are well-intentioned, but wrong-headed. There is a risk that in the future companies will completely avoid talking about their efforts to reduce environmental and climate impacts, says Marcus Wangel, Environmental Policy Expert.
NYHET — 22 februari 2024

EU permit processes are undermining willingness to invest

Overly complex processes and long waiting times for obtaining permits are acting as obstacles to EU inward investment, a new Business Europe report has shown. This report is welcomed by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, which is now calling for a comprehensive review of EU permit processes.
SKRIVELSE — 18 oktober 2023

Response to the European Commission’s consultation on industrial carbon management

NYHET — 12 juni 2023

A strong and progressive European business community drives the climate transition in the EU

In the light of the Swedish presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise had the honor of welcoming BusinessEuropes Industrial Affairs Committee to Stockholm this week.
RAPPORT — 22 mars 2023

The effects of the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) on EU competitiveness

RAPPORT — 6 mars 2023

Creating favourable market conditions for the development of the circular economy

NYHET — 25 november 2021

EU industrial emissions directive risks hampering industry’s climate transition

A broadened EU directive regulating industrial emissions risks being a setback for industry. In its current form, the directive works well and creates environmental benefits. It is therefore important to safeguard the directive’s effectiveness as it is revised, writes Jenny Svärd who is responsible for environmental policy at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.
NYHET — 9 april 2021

Swedish Enterprise’s key messages on the Commission’s initiative on Substantiating Green Claims 

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise welcomes the Commission’s ambition to enable companies to substantiate environmental claims through harmonised and standardised methods. Yet, we want to highlight a few key messages that should be considered when going forward.
Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
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Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
Postadress: 114 82 Stockholm
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Telefon: 08-553 430 00

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Tidningen Näringslivet
Tidningen Näringslivet är för dig som är intresserad av företagande, ekonomi, arbetsmarknad och näringspolitik.
Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
Postadress: 114 82 Stockholm
Besöksadress: Storgatan 19
Telefon: 08-553 430 00

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Tidningen Näringslivet
Tidningen Näringslivet är för dig som är intresserad av företagande, ekonomi, arbetsmarknad och näringspolitik.
Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
Postadress: 114 82 Stockholm
Besöksadress: Storgatan 19
Telefon: 08-553 430 00

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Tidningen Näringslivet
Tidningen Näringslivet är för dig som är intresserad av företagande, ekonomi, arbetsmarknad och näringspolitik.
Ansvarig utgivare och chefredaktör Anna Dalqvist