Free trade

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NYHET — 18 december 2024

The EU needs to be open and assertive in its new trade policy

EU trade policy must continue to be open and primarily focused on market access, whilst at the same time also be vigilant in an increasingly challenging geopolitical environment. Open trade and sustainability should also be mutually supportive, write experts Henrik Isakson och Ingrid Serup.
NYHET — 12 december 2024

The trade agreement with Mercosur a milestone

With the the free trade agreement with Mercosur, European companies gain increased access to a large market, and the EU strengthens ties with a like-minded partner in a time marked by uncertainty and geopolitical tensions, writes experts Ingrid Serup and Björn Wedin.
NYHET — 15 april 2024

Navigating the Trade Landscape

Global trade system under pressure: read here about the challenges and how to foster a prosperous and stable international trade environment.
NYHET — 12 mars 2024

Few outcomes from the WTO’s Ministerial Conference

The 13th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO), MC13, started with limited expectations of significant outcomes; ultimately, such expectations proved well founded. However, some good news also emerged, experts Ester Eriksson and Björn Wedin write.
NYHET — 26 september 2023

The EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement - A strategic, economic and sustainable win-win

It is time for the EU-Mercosur FTA to be approved. The benefits, on both sides of the Atlantic, could be substantial and could not only facilitate mutually advantageous trade and investment but also contribute to strategic gains and sustainable development.
RAPPORT — 29 juni 2023

India and the European Union in 2030 – building a closer economic relationship

NYHET — 2 juni 2023

High-level seminar on The EU trade agenda until the 2024 European elections

On May 24, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, together with the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) and the Federation of Belgian Enterprises (VBO-FEB), organised a seminar in Brussels.
NYHET — 20 april 2023

India and the EU need one another

In June 2022, the EU and India relaunched their negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA). This was the result of the outcome of the EU-Indian Leaders meeting in May 2021, where it was agreed that time was ripe to put new efforts into reaching a deal.
RAPPORT — 22 mars 2023

The effects of the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) on EU competitiveness

NYHET — 14 december 2022

Green transition tops agenda for EU-US trade talks

The meeting between EU and US officials under the auspices of the Trade and Technology Council, (TTC), earlier this week resulted in several outcomes, including prioritisation of the green transition, the extension and expansion of mutual recognition agreements, and the launch of a roadmap for AI.
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Ansvarig utgivare och chefredaktör Anna Dalqvist