Potential changes ahead for the Swedish VAT treatment of second-hand goods and donations
Yesterday, the government appointed a public inquiry (dir. 2024:15) to review the VAT rules concerning the sale of second-hand goods and donation of goods. This initiative is very welcomed as the business community has persistently emphasized the necessity for amendments in tax regulations that impede sustainable investments.
When it comes to the regulations governing the sale of used goods, an analysis will be conducted to ascertain the extent to which the VAT directive allows for the application of the simplified margin scheme for second-hand goods. Similarly, in relation to the rules concering the donation of goods, an overview will be conducted to determine whether the VAT regulation can be structured in a manner that renders the VAT implications for gifts of goods to charitable organizations and similar recipients more foreseeable, thereby increasing the incentives to donate goods.
The need to utilize existing resources efficiently is a prioritized question for the business community. It is crucial that the VAT system undergo simplifications in order to not obstruct businesses striving to advance in matters of the circular economy and other sustainable initiatives.
If possible and appropriate, necessary legislative proposals should be submitted. The result of the public inquiry is to be published no later than March 31, 2025.
SKRIVET AVTara Muinafshar