EU Single Market

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NYHET — 27 november 2024

A strong and competitive economy is the foundation for Europe’s security

BusinessEurope urges the EU institutions to take 10 actions during the Polish Presidency of the European Union.
NYHET — 25 juni 2024

High time for the EU to refocus on the Single Market

The report by Mr. Enrico Letta focusing on the future of the Single Market has highlighted the need for the European Commission to present a Single Market Strategy in 2025, writes Cemille Üstün and Tuomas Nousiainen, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.
NYHET — 11 april 2024

Företagens krav på EU-politikerna: Så värnar vi konkurrenskraften

Inför EU-valet efterlyser företagare mer pålästa EU-parlamentariker för att främja en hållbart tillväxt. ”Då kan vi enklare undvika lagstiftning som kan bli kontraproduktiv för den gröna omställningen”, sa Henrik Sjölund, vd för skogsbolaget Holmen, under en debatt arrangerad av Svenskt Näringsliv.
NYHET — 14 mars 2024

Swedish Enterprise´s agenda for an open and competitive Single Market – short version

In an uncertain world our biggest geo-political asset is our Single Market, and it is the key driver of our future prosperity. Swedish companies benefit most when it serves effectively as a large, single European home market, free from barriers to trade and with clear rules that promote competition.
NYHET — 4 mars 2024

A Europe Unlocked wish list for Enrico Letta

In November last year, 17 business organisations together launched Europe Unlocked – a campaign coalition designed to encourage the incoming European Commission to place a greater emphasis on competitiveness through open and competitive markets.
NYHET — 30 januari 2024

Empowering the Single Market: A 10-Point Policy Programme to Chart a New Path Forward

The 30th anniversary of the Single Market, which happened last year, helped to highlight its many impressive achievements. This year, now that we have sobered up following the celebration, the focus needs to be shifted to a more forward-looking, proactive approach.
NYHET — 7 november 2023

New business initiative forms to push for open and competitive markets in the EU

The initiative Europe Unlocked has now been launched - a coalition and campaign for more business-friendly priorities by the next EU Commission with a focus on competitiveness through open and competitive markets.
NYHET — 27 september 2023

The Single Market Emergency Instrument is now in the trialogue negotiations

The original proposal for the Single Market Emergency Instrument (SMEI) was first presented by the European Commission in September 2022. Following long and intense discussions, the file has now entered the trialogue negotiations.
NYHET — 6 juni 2023

The “diamond” of the EU turns 30

The EU Single Market celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Despite its age, however, many people still think of the Single Market in abstract terms.
NYHET — 26 april 2023

State aid Scoreboard 2022: Level playing field in the EU is challenged

State aid expenditure keep increasing in the EU. The amount of state aid disbursed are also very uneven between different Member States. As the European Commission publishes its yearly state aid scoreboard, there is cause for concern regarding the integrity and functioning of the Single Market.
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Tidningen Näringslivet
Tidningen Näringslivet är för dig som är intresserad av företagande, ekonomi, arbetsmarknad och näringspolitik.
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Tidningen Näringslivet
Tidningen Näringslivet är för dig som är intresserad av företagande, ekonomi, arbetsmarknad och näringspolitik.
Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
Postadress: 114 82 Stockholm
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Telefon: 08-553 430 00

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Tidningen Näringslivet
Tidningen Näringslivet är för dig som är intresserad av företagande, ekonomi, arbetsmarknad och näringspolitik.
Ansvarig utgivare och chefredaktör Anna Dalqvist